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November 10, 2003

Changes Afoot

Alrighty, this site now has two new areas of content along the right sidebar:

A Thousand Words – An area where I will be posting my photos. Sometimes I will post other people's photos that I like (you'll know they aren't mine because the copyright will be replaced). Once the photo has been archived, I'll include a description of its composition. This will be a semi-daily feature.

Random Reading – An area that includes links to what I feel are interesting stories. This will (hopefully) be a daily feature, archived once per week.

Posted by Julie on November 10, 2003 07:04 AM to the category Geek Love

Great photo! Great site development.

I am in love with Movable Type, but would need a new (better) job to support him in the manner to which he is accustomed.

Posted by: lifeohhold at November 10, 2003 01:02 PM

You know what, though? MT is free! The only costs I have associated with my site are an $8.95/month hosting fee, and the $9.95 annual fee to register my domain name.

*hugs MT*

Posted by: Julie at November 10, 2003 02:22 PM
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