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November 30, 2003

Nothing's On

Doesn't it figure that when you most want to watch television, there is absolutely nothing worth watching? Earlier this afternoon I just wanted to surrender to the idiot box, but I couldn't find anything interesting to watch. I ended up watching the last 20 minutes of Mary Reilly, and let me tell you - that movie BLOWS. I have no idea what Julia Roberts was thinking with that one. She probably doesn't either. The only reason it was even remotely watchable was because I was mocking it, and I was hopped up on allergy medicine.

In seven minutes I'm going to watch Who Killed Jesus? on the Discovery Channel.

An hour ago I had another massive allergy attack, so I can no longer breathe through my Rosebud Salve-covered nose.

Posted by Julie on November 30, 2003 06:54 PM to the category Entertainment

Oh poor Heewig! I'm sorry you're so miserable. There's nothing worse than feeling awful and having nothing on TV.

Posted by: Ka Ching at November 30, 2003 07:24 PM

Seriously. I've been sick all weekend, and there's been sweet fuck all to watch. Except for Alias just now. So! Good!

Posted by: rappy at November 30, 2003 08:06 PM

*stabs the entire Buccaneers starting lineup for preempting tonight's Alias*

Posted by: Julie at November 30, 2003 08:16 PM

Why stop with the starting lineup? For that kind of episode, you can go through the whole team, mascot included.

Posted by: rappy at December 1, 2003 09:58 AM

As allergy-impaired to some level much of the year, I feel for you. Non-sufferers have no idea the drag this condition can have on all things life. I hope it lifts soon so you can obsess some more on your site.

Posted by: lifeonhold at December 1, 2003 07:17 PM
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