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December 02, 2003

O Frabjous Day!

Callooh! Callay!

I had a lil' chat with our Director of Operations this morning, to ask whether or not the updating of a personal journal was off-limits under the internet usage policy (as I had been told by someone else). Happily, it is not! They are more concerned with the time spent on non-work sites, rather than the type of non-work sites being visited (within reason. I think they're pretty much against porn and eBay no matter what).

Porn and eBay should be the title of a book, or an album.

So anyway, I am allowed to update this site, as long as I don't abuse the priviledge. Heavens forfend! I would never do such a thing!

I also got confirmation that the "secureserver" part of Movable Type's URL was not an issue. So, yay! Overg again has meaning to his life!

In other happy news, my new Primaloft comforter is the shiznit, the season 2 Alias DVD box set comes out today (not buying, hoping to get for Christmas), as does Pirates of the Caribbean (ditto).

I have a question for you – do you think that everyone, at least once in their lives, should experience being fired? I've never been fired, so I'm wondering if there's anything positive about it. I have been laid off, and there were definitely some good things about that experience.

Oh, a few other things:

  • How did I miss LeRoy from Fame dying last month?

  • Pearl barley is found in the section with the dried beans


Posted by Julie on December 2, 2003 01:20 PM to the category Work

What?!?!? LeRoy from Fame died? I must have missed that too!

Posted by: Kat at December 2, 2003 04:09 PM

I recognized a moment of silence for our boy, LeRoy, when he passed. That must have been the ONE day you missed dropping by my blog.

Posted by: Cops at December 2, 2003 04:15 PM

I know, isn't that a kick in the ass? I loved him in Fame.

Here's one of his obituaries.

Posted by: Julie at December 2, 2003 04:18 PM

Should everyone experience being fired? No, just a select few who really need to know the've gone way over the line: the chronically incompetent, negligent, not doing the job, and unremediated late/absent. These people might need it; for the rest of us being laid off is enough. I write as a former supervisor.

Oh, and yahoo about the journal updates news.

Posted by: lifeonhold at December 2, 2003 07:05 PM

I want to experience being fired. I want the big check to go with it though. Then I'll go to Hawaii. To hell with finding a new job.

Posted by: Mike at December 2, 2003 07:43 PM

I don't think everyone should experience being fired, because that generally means you did something bad. I agree with Life, being laid off is enough.

And dayam, I need to pay my rent too! Thanks for the reminder.

Posted by: Nancy at December 3, 2003 09:05 AM

Ditto on what Nancy said, however, I find that generally the people who get laid off are the ones who contribute the most, and the ones that get to stay are the half-asses who do nothing anyway.

Posted by: rappy at December 3, 2003 10:12 AM

Yay! I'm glad you found the barley!
Leroy died??? SO sad!
And crap. I haven't paid my rent either.

*raises apartment lease in solidarity toast with Julie and Nancy*

Posted by: Erika at December 3, 2003 01:17 PM

What rappy said. Getting laid off is no fun. Because from one day to the next, your life is TOTALLY different than it was. It's amazing how much your job influences the rest of your life.


Posted by: Teem at December 3, 2003 05:04 PM

Look at all the possibilties at Georgia State!!

Posted by: Roo at December 4, 2003 12:18 PM

I am here to say hello and you have a great site! notem671

Posted by: jerrie at February 6, 2007 12:51 PM
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