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February 07, 2004

RIP Baby

The two-headed baby died after surgery. Poor little thing. She never really had much of a chance.

I've decided that even though I object to the death penalty for practical, rather than moral, reasons (it is applied unfairly to poor people who are in the racial minority), I hope the guy who killed Carlie Brucia gets a needle in the arm for his troubles. Although I guess in Florida, it'll be getting strapped into the electric chair.

"Needle in the arm" sounds much more poetic.

Posted by Highwaygirl on February 7, 2004 09:59 AM to the category Current Affairs

Needle in the arm. Hmmmm....

Although I am very much against capital punishment, (too many "oops, I guess you werent' the killer afteralls" for me) anyone caught abducting children should have some "really" nasty stuff done to them. I'm talking worse than strapping them to a chair, injected with speed and be forced to watch Fox News coverage of the Janet Jackson "wardrobe malfunction".

Ok, maybe not that bad.

Posted by: Phildozer at February 9, 2004 03:49 PM
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