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June 26, 2004

Number One In the Hood, G

So, courtesy of Overg, I am now fully in love with Aqua Teen Hunger Force, a show on the Cartoon Network. Although I feel a bond with Meatwad, I must admit at this point that Master Shake gets most of the funny lines.

But Meatwad also has his moments! In fact, Meatwad is the owner of my all-time favorite ATHF line (so far): "Do what I said, 'cause I said it."

It's all in the delivery, yo.

Anyway, last night Overg and I simul-watched five ATHF episodes that we both had TiVoed. That's really the way to go, I think - watching with someone else who likes the show as much as I do (well, even MORE). It's even funnier when you can share.

I can't remember all of the episode titles we watched last night, but two lines stand out:

Master Shake: It's Obvious Day at Camp Stupid!
Fratboy Alien: It was worse than eight bitches on a bitchboat.

The episode with the fratboy aliens was a scream. I wish I had not deleted it.

Posted by Highwaygirl on June 26, 2004 09:07 AM to the category Entertainment

GAAAAAK! I wondered what the heck those billboards were everywhere! BWAAHAHAHAHAHAA! I may have to check this out.

Posted by: TVJunkie at June 26, 2004 10:12 AM

You have ATHF billboards? You live in a magical land, TVJ.

Posted by: Highwaygirl at June 26, 2004 11:15 AM

It's freakin' awesome Junk. And the episodes are only 15 minutes, so they're able to do away with a lot of the filler of a half hour show. You know, like plots and resolutions and stuff.

I've been telling Heewig for weeks that Master Shake is the glue that holds the show together. Glad to see she's finally come around. I think it was piss drubnk Shake that got her.

Posted by: overg at June 26, 2004 11:21 AM

Yes, Overg was right all along about Master Shake. But I think that's only because he IS Master Shake (to my Meatwad).

Posted by: Highwaygirl at June 26, 2004 11:29 AM

HWG said: "he IS Master Shake (to my Meatwad)"

I will file that under "THINGS THAT SOUND DIRTY"

what? you all know I'm, like 12 years old.

Posted by: TVJunkie at June 26, 2004 03:10 PM
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