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January 12, 2005

Out of Sight

I've always liked George Clooney. He's good looking, and he seems funny, smart and kind in his interviews. But now that he's added "willing to publically throw down with Bill O'Reilly" to the list, it's full-on LOVE. To wit:

Mr. O'Reilly,

In response to your lead story on January 6, where you attack the Sept. 11 telethon, it is incumbent upon me to help you get your facts straight.

First, to clarify, it was not the Red Cross but the United Way that sponsored that telethon... an easy mistake to make... if you're 3.

Second, contrary to what you claim, no one objected to you investigating where the funds were going, but we strenuously objected to you insinuating that it was a fraud (which is what you did) as we were still waiting for a list of names of the dead. 6,000 was the number when you broadcast your attack (some 3,000 was the real number), that is simply a fact... no spin. There's no question, sir, that you have become quite powerful. The panic that you started that week scared other charitable organizations into simply handing out money to anyone who walked into their office. I suppose the threat of a Senate investigation would scare most anybody. It was an interesting week though... you showed up on the Today Show to talk about the telethon, but when pressed by Matt Lauer, admitted that you would only talk about the scandal if they hawked your new book. Fact... no spin. You said your tactics weren't about ratings, and that same week took out ads bragging about beating Larry King for the first time, all while Eliot Spitzer and Frank Thomas and Josh Gotbaum were weeding through the difficult task of who was dead and who was not.

I don't make as much money as you, Mr. O'Reilly (a fact that's easy to check), but I'm fascinated by your use of the word CELEBRITY as if you're not one... you put on make up, you do Leno, The Today Show, go on book tours, and do junkets, so let's be clear... you are a well paid celebrity. Period. No spin. And, to quote you last week, "with power comes responsibility"... people canceled their pledges because YOU told them that the telethon was flawed... a lot of money that should have gone to a lot of needy families didn't, because you wanted a controversy... and controversy has made you a celebrity... remember, sir, that this is me you're talking to publicly. I was the one you called several times the day before the telethon to say that we "had to include 'The Factor'" in the press interviews, and that it "wasn't fair to leave us out, we're a news program". Fact... no spin. I think people should know that.

Now, here's the only important fact: the 9/11 telethon was an unqualified success from the beginning to the present and we make sure of it. (I say WE because I'm on the board of directors of the United Way).

Your report last Thursday was a preemptive strike... NOT to protect the families affected by the tsunami, but to create more controversy for your own personal gain. Because of it, fewer people will donate money to help truly traumatized victims; they'll be afraid that their money will do no good.

So all right, Mr. Journalist... come on in. I'm booking the talent for the Tsunami event... and you, Mr. O'Reilly, are now officially invited to be a presenter... (at this point, not one of the people I've invited to donate their time has said "No")... this way, You can personally follow up on our fundraising... this is your chance to put your considerable money where your considerable mouth is... show up... help raise money... and if we're doing something wrong, point it out. I believe firmly in the check and balance system... you'll get nothing but a handshake and a "Thanks for helping out" from all of the rest of us "celebrities".

So what do you say, Mr. O'Reilly... either you ante up and help out AND be that watch dog that you feel we clearly need... or you simply stand on the sidelines and cast stones, proving that your January 6 TV show was nothing more than a "box of lights and wires" designed to make you wealthy.

We do the show this Saturday, it's across the street from where you shoot "The Factor".

I'll need a quick response.

Your fan,

George Clooney

I hadn't intended to watch that benefit, but I will now. Hot, smart, funny, kind, sarcastic, and doesn't want to get married. Why can't I find someone just like him?

(Although his overuse of ellipses is making me blind.)

Posted by Highwaygirl on January 12, 2005 06:44 AM to the category Celebrity Crush

Such a nicely written letter. Much better than I would have done. Because, hello, there's no way I could have resisted calling him Bill (where's my loofa) O'Reilly. Maybe George could offer to add a loofa mit to the gift basket for the participants. That might pique Bill's interest.

Posted by: TVJunkie at January 12, 2005 01:24 PM

I had to Google "bill o'reilly" and "loofa" to understand what you meant, TVJ. And whoa! I had no idea. But I still want to know what the guy meant when he refered to a "falafel." Because it obviously wasn't the food.

Posted by: Highwaygirl at January 12, 2005 02:07 PM

But, now that you know. It's hard to look at him the same way, isn't it? I mean ... ew! (He's a SLUT!)

Posted by: TVJunkie at January 12, 2005 05:11 PM
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