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January 27, 2005

Sark the Herald Angels Sing

The many faces of Mr. Sark

Why am I here? No, really - I'm not sure. Because as it turns out, I'm one of those people who look much better in motion than I do in still photography.

I'm David Anders, and you'll have to take my word for it.

I play the deliciously evil Mr. Sark on Alias. Or at least I did. I haven't appeared on the show yet this season and THAT IS REALLY A PROBLEM FOR ME, J.J. *ahem*

I don't have much of a range of emotions in photos (much like my nemesis, Michael Vaughn, who is in possession of only two facial expressions - angst, and forced happiness). For example, here I am with a look of oblique malevolence. And here I am with the exact same expression, just wearing a different colored shirt.

I pretty much only wear white or black shirts, you'll notice.

I swear to God on the life of my dead grandmother that I'm attractive, even if there are times when I totally look like a gremlin. I mean, I know I'll never be this guy. I'll also never be this guy, but come on - if you had to stand next to someone who looks like this, you'd probably look like day-old bread, too.

See, look - I can be sexy. Yes I am! I am!

Oh, nevermind...

I am Mr. Sark, and I will give you the stinkeye as soon as, uh, look at you.

*runs away*

Posted by Highwaygirl on January 27, 2005 03:42 PM to the category Celebrity Crush

Ok, you're just mean. You're supposed to be all swoony, just like me! *jumps sark*. Heh. Jump the Sark. Ok, that came out a lot funnier than I intended.

Posted by: rappy at January 27, 2005 06:51 PM

Hey, I love Sark. Loved him long time. But I just couldn't find any photos of him that were swoon-worthy.

Posted by: Highwaygirl at January 27, 2005 07:29 PM

That's because it's when he's speeeeeeeeeeeeeaking in his faux British accent!

Posted by: Roo at January 28, 2005 12:56 AM
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