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February 27, 2005

Purple States

Lookit me, stealing an idea from RandomBen. This is going to be the next non-fiction book I read:

What's the Matter With Kansas? by Thomas Frank
First chapter | Buy

An excerpt from the book jacket:

Hard times, instead of snapping people back to reality, only seem to stoke the fires of the conservative backlash. Indeed, those segments of the working class that have been hardest hit by the big economic changes of recent years are the very ones that vote Republican in the greatest numbers. We seem to have but one way to express our anger, and that’s by raging along with Rush—against liberal bias in academia, liberal softness on terrorism, liberal permissiveness, and so on. Our reaction to hard times is thus to hand over ever more power to the people who make them hard. In fact, the election of 2002 provided a perverse incentive to the men who gave us the dot-com bubble and the Enron fiasco: Keep at it. The more you screw the public over, the more they will clamor to cut your taxes. The more you cheat and steal, the angrier they will become—at the liberal media that expose your cheating and stealing.

And here's more - a longer excerpt from the book's final chapter, and a Q&A with author Thomas Frank.

There is a link on the Alternet site to a photogallery project called Sorry Everybody, which gives those who tried to stop George Bush a chance to show the rest of the world that they apologize on behalf of America for the 52% who weren't thinking very clearly.

Posted by Highwaygirl on February 27, 2005 01:17 PM to the category Entertainment
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