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April 14, 2005

Dirrrty Girls

Terri Schiavo's parents have sold the list of people who donated to her cause to a conservative direct-marketing firm. That's ... screwed up.

Rappy: Erika and I analysed your answers to the name machine.
Rappy: DIRTY!
Rappy: DIRRTY, even!
Me: who, me?
Rappy: YES!
Me: why's that?
Rappy: We both know who you're crushing on, and what your weird object was...
Me: well the weird object is obvious
Me: and I'm sorry, but dildos ARE weird objects
Rappy: haha
Me: and I just liked the way "gooben" sounded
Rappy: now let's discuss this crush...
Me: it sounded funnier then my first choice, "gooeric"
Me: jeez
Me: weirdly enough, I had a dream with Ben Affleck in it last night
Me: well, he was on the phone
Me: not there in person
Rappy: you're not helping yourself here, my little friend
Me: he was inviting me to come play racquetball at his new house
Me: odd, no?
Rappy: was Jen going to be there?
Me: well it was his "new" house so I assumed he bought it with her
Me: but the invitation to play ball meant he CLEARLY wanted me
Me: yes?
Rappy: sure
Rappy: yeah
Rappy: or a threesome
Me: *shocked face*
Rappy: DUDE, YOU WROTE DILDO, what is so surprising?

This man wants to eat your babies (future and present). Don't believe me? Then read The Tom DeLay Scandals - A Scorecard and feast upon his insolence and impropriety.

Side note: I am not anti-Republican. I like Republicans. I even LOVE a Republican (or two). I have a wee little crush on John McCain, and a slightly bigger one on Colin Powell.

That said, Tom DeLay is the ANTICHRIST.

One of the next books I want to get is Honor Bound - American Prisoners of War in Southeast Asia, 1961-1973. I've always been interested in the Vietnam War, and the issue of POWs, and this book looks interesting. The authors have good pedigrees, too - Rochester was the deputy historian of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and Kiley is a former Air Force Academy professor and noted POW historian.

Posted by Highwaygirl on April 14, 2005 10:33 AM to the category Randomness
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