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May 06, 2005

Ork! Ork! Ork!

So last night I had a pretty UGH time after work. I was lying on my couch watching TV and assessing my idiocy, when I managed to fall asleep. Around 9 p.m.

I awoke to the sound of the disembodied voice of one RandomBen. Which confused me, because - Ben? Huh? In my living room?

My sleep addled brain ran through a quick round of "Where In the World Is RandomBen?" and came up with "not here" - so then the voice confused me even further.

I was pretty sure I was dreaming. Then I hear him say "bedroom" and I'm very, VERY sure I'm dreaming. My brain chose that moment to snap back into reality, which is when I realized that DisembodiedBen was merely talking on my answering machine.


So we're talking and it sounds like he's in a wind tunnel. Washington - a very windy place. Talking, laughing, laughing, talking, LAUGHING, talking ...

(Side note: I've noticed that I am constantly laughing when I talk to Ben. Not "ha ha" laughing, but more like ... theater of the absurd laughing. So now I consciously stifle my laughter, else I start to seem like I'm an airheaded bimbo who will laugh at anything.)

... talking – and then I start hearing voices in the background.

At least I think they're voices. I can't really make out the words, but I'm definitely hearing significant background noise. So I tune out the sound of Ben's voice (heh) and start listening more closely to the sounds in the background, and then I realize what it is:


Not this guy. These guys:

Ben is being serenaded by a group (clutch? pod? coven?) of sea lions that are basking in the sun about 30 feet off the pier upon which he's standing. How cool is that? (Answer: Very cool.)

So our entire conversation was interspersed with the melodious "ork! ork! ork!"s of the sea lions. The appropriate payment for services rendered (ork! ork! ork!), moving really sucks (ork! ork! ork!), the politics of threesomes (ork! ork! ork!), "there's nothing wrong with a courtesy reach-around" (ork! ork! ork!).

Very cool. Near the end, the coven of sea lions slipped off their perch and frolicked in the water, much to Ben's obvious amusement (seriously, it was like he was a 10 year-old boy again).

But now I want a sea lion of my own, dammit.

Posted by Highwaygirl on May 6, 2005 07:16 AM to the category Randomness

Yay for Sea Lions! When I was 8-years-old, I went to MarineLand in California and I kissed a sea lion. They asked if anyone wanted to kiss him and I ran right up there. I thought it was the coolest thing ever.

I'm pretty sure that even to this day, it was my best kiss ever. :)

Posted by: Erika at May 6, 2005 12:05 PM

Israel to Build New Settlement in Occupied West Bank..

Posted by: Luciano Buss at December 27, 2006 12:40 PM

Alexandra Pelosi, speaking about her documentary on red state evangelicals, said it's possible for everyone to get along if we can get past the hot-button issues of abortion and gay marriage. She may be overly optimistic...

Posted by: Gideon Law at February 9, 2007 04:30 PM

Alexandra Pelosi, speaking about her documentary on red state evangelicals, said it's possible for everyone to get along if we can get past the hot-button issues of abortion and gay marriage. She may be overly optimistic...

Posted by: Gideon Law at February 9, 2007 04:31 PM

The United States plans to more than triple its economic aid to the fragile democratic government in Lebanon as U.S. business executives detail new investment and development plans in the tiny, troubled country...

Posted by: Antonio Becerra at February 12, 2007 01:07 PM

The United States plans to more than triple its economic aid to the fragile democratic government in Lebanon as U.S. business executives detail new investment and development plans in the tiny, troubled country...

Posted by: Antonio Becerra at February 12, 2007 01:07 PM

It used to be that sometime in November Canadians could flatten out the snow behind the house, let the water hose run for a few hours, and get a nice flat sheet of ice...

Posted by: Asa Thorne at February 13, 2007 05:34 AM

It used to be that sometime in November Canadians could flatten out the snow behind the house, let the water hose run for a few hours, and get a nice flat sheet of ice...

Posted by: Asa Thorne at February 13, 2007 05:35 AM
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