Highwaygirl banner

June 21, 2005

Big Money! Big Money!

Roo: I just saw a picture of Jennifer Garner, and though, for some reason, I've decided to pretend she's not really pregnant, there is no question now
Me: please kill me
Me: *offers neck*
Roo: *bites*
Me: link me to the Jen photo!
Me: I like her, still
Roo: me too
Me: But I think she deserves better than Affleck
Roo: Jen photo
Roo: eh, I don't know...I don't hate them together, for some reason
Roo: though he's nasTAY in that picture
Roo: I KNOW!
Me: she really popped
Me: that's ... wow
Roo: I know...my same reaction
Me: he's gross
Me: what the hell is he doing smoking around her?!?
Me: she needs to kick his ass
Me: or have Victor Garber do it
Roo: he was smoking outside away from her at least
Roo: hee! SpyDaddy!
Roo: (at first I typed SpayDaddy!)
Me: hahahaha
Me: Bob Barker is SpayDaddy
Roo: YES! HA!

And this little thing is the answer to all of my prayers. Behold, the SCOOBA!

Posted by Highwaygirl on June 21, 2005 11:05 AM to the category Randomness

Oh my lord! I need a Scooba! I mean NEED! I must have that, yesterday!

Posted by: sherpa melissa at June 21, 2005 08:44 PM

Yes! I NEED a Scooba too!

Posted by: lifeonhold at June 23, 2005 04:34 PM
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