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March 29, 2006

Official State Drinking

Today I received a package at work from a company in Newport, R.I. It was a small but somewhat heavy cardboard box, and inside it held three bottles of this:

You're thinking, Why did she order coffee syrup? Well, she didn't. Marcel did! He told me that he had sent me a "little something" this week and although I can't get him on the phone right now to confirm it, this has to be it.

You see, Marcel is from Rhode Island. He was telling me about a diner in R.I. that he wanted to take me to called New York Lunch, so I Googled it and I ended up on a website with information about things to do/see while travelling in R.I. I started looking through the site and eventually learned that Coffee Milk is the official state drink of R.I. I don't like coffee, but I lurve coffee ice cream, so I told Marcel that when he takes me to R.I. he'd have to get me some (and some Del's lemonade).

I guess he didn't want to wait, because I will be having coffee milk TONIGHT. Without him (for now).

Posted by Highwaygirl on March 29, 2006 11:08 AM to the category Food

Weird. Let us know what it tastes like. I love both coffee and coffee ice cream, so if'n it's decent, I may buy me some.

Posted by: Mike at March 29, 2006 12:15 PM
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