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April 25, 2006

I'm So Haaaaaaappyyyyyyy!


Marcel left this morning, and we had a fantastic time. I now know why a style of kissing was named after the French.

I mean - GOD. He is a fantastic kisser. Everything was as wonderful as I hoped it would be.

We had a lovely Friday night together when he finally arrived (complete with a hysterical comment in the elevator at Tampa International Airport that Marcel made to a little old man who asked if we were "going down").

Saturday - We went to Barnes & Noble for coffee, pastries, and a guidebook to Europe (for next summer), as well as a cribbage board. I showed Marcel my office and then we ate lunch at Boston Market. Then we did some grocery shopping, went home, fooled around, learned how to play cribbage (I lost 3-2), and then closed out the evening with pizza, merlot, and The Colbert Report.

Sunday - Marcel made me pancakes for breakfast, then we laid together on the couch and watched Meet the Press, some other show with Bob Schieffer, and Wolf Blitzer's show on CNN. Then headed out to the Pinellas Trail so Marcel could run 10 miles (he's participating in the Big Sur Marathon this Sunday). The park I had picked as the starting point was packed - there were no parking spaces because they were all filled by people using the boat slip - and it was then that we decided that HE should be in charge of planning next month's trip to Taos - I just need to show up.

We went down to Wall Springs Park so Marcel could start running from there, while I took photos (which I will post soon). Went to Jason's Deli to pick up lunch (asian wraps), came home, messed around, and then Marcel cooked dinner for me (mozzarella-stuffed chicken with pasta and garlic bread), we drank the second bottle of merlot, he fed me Phish Food ice cream right out of the carton, and then played drunk cribbage (I went up 2-0 before Marcel got serious and came back to tie things up ... and then he obliterated me in winning the deciding game).

Yes, we spent quality time playing cribbage. And maybe I'm really strange, but ... I loved it.

Monday - I wanted to take Marcel to this place called Lenny's for breakfast because I had heard it was very good - I heard wrong. It was merely average, plus it was goddamn hot in the restaurant. After that we went back home, hung out a bit, did some stuff that I can't specifically relate and/or cannot recall, then went to Macaroni Grill around 4 for a late lunch/early dinner. While there I knocked off an item on my 101 List by trying espresso. Which was icky.

After that we went to a wine store nearby and picked up a bottle of white wine to have that night, then we drove down to Indian Rocks Beach to watch the sunset. It wasn't the greatest of sunsets, but fortunately that wasn't the point. On the way down to the beach I took Alternate 19 along the water so Marcel could see really expensive houses, the world spiritual headquarters for Scientology, and where I received six months of chemo. Oh, and the houses of both Hulk Hogan and my mother.

We got home around 9, watched last week's episode of 24 - Marcel was immediately hooked, so then we watched the episode that the Tivo was busy recording. Drank the white wine, which was fantastic. I was feeling clingy because Marcel was leaving the next morning, so we just laid around talking and kissing and stuff until it was time to go to sleep.

Today - Out of my place by 9:15, stopped at Starbucks for coffee and breakfast, then went to the airport. We were pretty early so we spent about an hour sitting away from the crowds in a deserted section of the terminal, talking and kissing and stuff until it was time for him to go out to the airside.

I didn't cry when I had to say goodbye, though. Normally I do. I think I didn't because I know I'll be seeing him again in just a month, and then we already have plans to see each other in June and July (he's visiting me for a week both times), August (he'll be coming to FL for a friend's retirement ceremony) and September (hopefully going to see his family in RI around his birthday).

Marcel made good on his promise of merlot, but he did NOT follow through on his massage promise. So now he owes me two. Plus, we forgot to make our mutual 101 in 1001 List, so we'll do that next month.

Oh, and my cats loved him. Especially Caygeon.

Posted by Highwaygirl on April 25, 2006 04:26 PM to the category Stuff About Me

Cats have good taste. We all know that. :)

Posted by: DonnaGryn at April 26, 2006 10:28 AM
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