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July 05, 2006

If Karma Is a Boomerang

Kenneth Lay Dies While Awaiting Sentencing

You know, it's not that I find this funny, per se, because I don't. It just seems ... it just makes sense, in a way. Alanis Morrisette would find it ironic.

Big Brother starts tomorrow, so expect my posting - which has been infrequent at best - to become even more scarce. Unless Satchel does something exceptionally cute, and then I'll just have to post about it.

Feline Detente Update: This morning, Caygeon licked Satchel's head. In a nice way - it wasn't a death lick or something malevolent like that.

In other news, I am thisclose to spontaneously buying a plane ticket to New Mexico. Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeds. I have neeeeeeeeeeeeeeds!

Posted by Highwaygirl on July 5, 2006 03:18 PM to the category Current Affairs
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