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June 24, 2004

From the Mind of Teem

I no longer get to share with you my funny IM conversations with Teem (because she works in Meat World now, which doesn't believe in instant messaging), so I will do the next best thing and share a li'l bit of an e-mail she sent me this morning.

In response to my telling her about clients wanting to edit/approve a newsletter article I wrote about their company:

Yeah, I totally hear you on the changing-the-article thing. Maybe you could put:

"Article Title", written by Highwaygirl and screwed up by Picky McChangerson.

Fight the power! *raises fist*

*puts fist away, deeming it too puny*

*raises cutlass instead*


Later in the same e-mail, in response to my offhand suggestion that she might like Clinique's Raspberry Superbalm lip balm:

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH you are EVIL with the damn superbalm pimping. EVIL. EVILEVILEVIL eeeeeeeeeeeeeee-VIL. slfha;fkhdfs JULIE! slfhad;fhf;hdsf!

I recognize that you are evil, yet I am still going to the mall during lunch to the Clinique counter. There is something wrong with that, somehow.

Posted by Highwaygirl on June 24, 2004 03:10 PM to the category Friends

Woo! This is what the world needs (and wants, I am sure) - more Teemcentric entries! It is important that things be all about ME! *skips*

And you already know that I got the damn superbalm(s).

Posted by: Teem at June 24, 2004 09:48 PM
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