Highwaygirl banner

July 14, 2004


Overg: I'm liking Sazz
HWG: they seem cool
Overg: "they"
Overg: is Sazz twins?
Overg: are you?
Overg: *looks for twins everywhere*
HWG: no, I just don't know if they are male or female
Overg: gotcha
Overg: English does really need a gender neutral pronoun
Overg: se?
HWG: that would work
Overg: or ot
Overg: like it, only for people
Overg: or ut
Overg: ut would be fun to say
Overg: ut, ut, ut
HWG: *smiley*
Overg: yay!
Overg: I made ut smile!
HWG: you just called me gender neutral
Overg: (not that I'm confused by your gender)
Overg: (I'm just enamored with my new word)
HWG: oh fine
Overg: you are all woman, baby!
Overg: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrowr

And then later...

HWG: stop trying to be charming
Overg: why would I try that?
Overg: it clearly wouldn't work
Overg: you are immune to my charms
Overg: *offers cold hard cash instead*
HWG: so now I'm a hooker
HWG: a gender neutral hooker
Overg: hahahahahhahaha
Overg: *snort*
HWG: fabulous
Overg: you have made me laugh out loud

Posted by Highwaygirl on July 14, 2004 04:54 PM to the category Friends

You forgot this part . . .
Overg: so do you really think I'm being charming?
HWG: yes

No one can resist the overgcharm! Fear me.

Posted by: overg at July 14, 2004 05:02 PM
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