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November 01, 2004

My Tra La La

(I meant to post this Friday after work, but then I got ... distracted.)

George Carlin speaks the truth, including this luscious little offering:

"The important thing is to, first of all, question everything you read or hear or see or are told. Question it. And try to see the world for what it actually is, as opposed to what someone or some company or some organization or some government is trying to represent it as, or present it as, however they've mislabeled it or dressed it up or told you."

And elsewhere...

Me: why did I get here early?
Me: WHY?!?
Jake: it's simple
Jake: you're stupid
Jake: like me
Jake: and the rest of us
Jake: JOY
Me: you have to cheer me up today by being even more bitter and cynical than usual
Me: my fish died yesterday
Me: and I am very sad
Jake: damn, that sucks
Me: I had him for 2.5 years
Jake: That sounds like a long lifespan for a fish
Jake: What happened?
Me: he was just really old, and he had a tumor for the last six months
Me: he lived about a year longer than expected
Jake: I take it it wasn't a goldfish then
Me: a betta fish. Otis Redding.
Jake: hahaha
Me: honor his memory, dammit!

Jake: it's more than that
Jake: it's fucking retarded
Jake: with a cherry on top

Posted by Highwaygirl on November 1, 2004 07:20 AM to the category Day In the Life
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