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February 24, 2005


I'm watching The Killing Fields, again, for the four-hundredth time, and just like the 399 times before it's making me want to cry.

So yeah, I'm not updating the site as frequently as usual because my one typing finger moves far too slowly to keep up with my brain. Every time I try to write something cohesive it comes off as extremely disjointed. Just ask anyone who has been e-mailing me.

Jen is coming over after work tonight to take me to the grocery store, because I still can't drive. My pinkie remains quite painful, and I can barely bend it, so until those things sort themselves out I'll be begging rides from family and friends.

The novelty of the full arm cast has officially worn off.

Posted by Highwaygirl on February 24, 2005 04:10 PM to the category Day In the Life

I can't talk from personal experience here, but hitchhiking must be a whole lot easier working with a large purple cast. I mean, it has to work wonders. Not to mention doubling as a fail safe method of knocking out skeevy truck drivers if you have to go to plan B.

Posted by: Randomben at February 25, 2005 04:35 AM

Hitchhiking, good idea. I could also put the Purple Cast of Doom to good use directing jets down on the tarmac at Tampa International Airport.

Posted by: Highwaygirl at February 25, 2005 10:43 AM

Man, I have such an inappropriate crush on RandomBen. Hee!

Posted by: Roo at February 25, 2005 11:30 AM

RandomBen's heart belongs to the freedom fighters. I mean, the sea.

Posted by: Highwaygirl at February 25, 2005 04:09 PM
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