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March 17, 2005

Her Head Has No Room

Rappy: oh GOD
Rappy: go away
Rappy: god, you know how sometimes you meet someone and they immediately think you're their best friend and call you constantly?
Rappy: well, imagine that, with a sexual overtone.
Rappy: EW
Me: *dies a little inside*

Jake: I can already tell this is gonna be a long and painful day
Me: I am leaving at 2:30, bitches!
Me: *big huge toothy smiley*
Me: I'll call you every half hour
Me: to see how you're doing
Jake: I hate you
Me: it must be opposite day
Me: because the truth is that you lurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrve me

Me: I wonder if the lead singer is still hot?
Me: he was hot in the Black Metallic video
Rappy: uh, he's freaking hot.
Rappy: I saw him in person.
Rappy: YOWZA
Rappy: right around the time that Adam & Eve came out.
Rappy: Which would have been...
Rappy: around 97/98?
Me: I should find a photo
Rappy: he couldn't have aged badly.
Rappy: oh, you mean you want me to find one?
Rappy: ok!
Rappy: http://www.popchild.com/issue_10/images/catherinepic1.gif
Me: he's got an intense face
Me: I want to smooch it
Rappy: aye

Me: how the hell does he manage to be in the Navy?
Rappy: I know! Those are like REQUIREMENTS!
Me: because most of them are hardcore boozers and sex fiends
Me: but he's like Mickey Mouse ...
Me: on South Park

Posted by Highwaygirl on March 17, 2005 01:02 PM to the category Friends
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