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November 21, 2005

Ten Words

Rappy: I'm stuck in the 10 words to describe yourself bit
Rappy: I've written:
Rappy: laughter
Rappy: books
Rappy: camera
Me: cats
Me: wry
Rappy: "haaretz" (meaning both "the country" and the name of a newspaper)
Rappy: cats!
Rappy: I suppose I could put both their names
Me: is that two more words?
Rappy: I need 3 more
Rappy: or is that cheating?
Rappy: should I put Canada
Me: hmm
Me: does Canada define you?
Rappy: sort of.
Rappy: the language does
Rappy: I've gone back to cats
Me: food
Me: or cooking
Me: "crafty bitch"
Rappy: heh
Rappy: no
Me: no smoking you bastards!
Me: or
Me: be a good lover, ok?
Rappy: one word
Me: oh all right
Rappy: fuckwell
Rappy: hahaha
Rappy: ok. 3 more
Me: haaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha
Rappy: heh
Rappy: hahaha
Rappy: ROTFL!
Me: here's the thing
Me: there's a brand of cookies over here
Rappy: oh, I know the snacks. Well.
Me: "Mmm, Fuckwells! You shouldn't have!"
Rappy: hahahahaha
Me: hahahahahahahaha
Rappy: *snort*
Rappy: three!
Rappy: more!
Rappy: words!
Me: ok, focusing
Rappy: ok
Me: loyal?
Me: determined
Me: destined
Rappy: uh, why am I making a dating profile? I just want to see the boys!
Rappy: hmm, not that determined.
Me: saucy
Rappy: i'm so not saucy
Me: blanched
Me: let's do food terms
Rappy: lipgloss!
Rappy: heh
Me: braised
Me: hahahahaha
Me: coq au vin
Rappy: yes. "you had me at braised."
Me: *megasnort*
Rappy: heh
Me: if you're not serious about this, fake it and let's get to the boys
Me: I want to see some hot Jewish boys!
Me: and your brother doesn't count

Posted by Highwaygirl on November 21, 2005 03:39 PM to the category Friends

Hahaha, thanks for sharing. *snort*

Posted by: lifeonhold at November 21, 2005 08:48 PM
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