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April 03, 2006

A Man of No Talent Whatsoever

ACHTUNG! Breaking news - Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (em dee) is still a complete idiot.

I've felt immeasurable disgust for Bill Frist for a long time. I continue to think he is the Antichrist, mainly because of that whole adopting-cats-from-an-animal-shelter-only-to-kill-and-dissect-them thing (that link goes to a webpage featuring Jon Stewart's take on the matter). I guess I hold a grudge.

Seriously, this is a direct quote from the man's autobiography:

I visited the various animal shelters in the Boston suburbs, collecting cats, taking them home, treating them as pets for a few days, then carting them off to the lab to die in the interest of science.

So yes, Bill Frist? Is a sick fuck. You can read more about that, and the fact that Frist refers to himself as "totally schizoid" over the cat thing, if you have the stomach for it and want to create in your heart a deep, burning hatred for a government official.

Anyway, because of this it is with a spring in my step and glee in my heart that I read that Frist is going to have a difficult time should he decide to seek the Republican nomination for president:

Frist Is Treading a Perilous Path Leading to 2008

My favorite portion of the article:

But other Republicans say that by forcing the Senate to consider his own immigration bill before the one backed by (John) McCain, Mr. Frist is putting presidential ambitions ahead of Senate business. The Democratic leader, Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, openly dismissed Mr. Frist as a lame duck, and Charlie Cook, an independent political analyst, in an interview derided the Senate leader as a neophyte.

"The most classic case of the Peter Principle I've ever seen in American politics," Mr. Cook said, in an uncharacteristically brutal assessment. "In a business where eloquence and rhetoric is important, he is a man of no talent whatsoever."

Give Charlie a cookie!

Posted by Highwaygirl on April 3, 2006 02:25 PM to the category Political Rants

Oh my - I know Charlie Cook's mother in law. She's a complete nutter!! I can't see his name without thinking "Krazy Lady". Uh, not that this has anything to do with anything.

Posted by: DonnaGryn at April 4, 2006 11:20 AM
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