Highwaygirl banner

August 09, 2004


HWG: I need that one and Frat Aliens
Overg: the commercial makes it seem like it's the end of the series
Overg: but I think they are referring to the one with all the villians
Overg: it's just a trick
HWG: *jumps up and down excitedly*
Overg: *jumps in unison*
HWG: because now I know who Happy Time Harry is
HWG: and I didn't know that when I first saw the episode
Overg: right
Overg: that's critical knowledge
HWG: yes, I believe it is
HWG: I expect my enjoyment of the episode to increase a thousand fold
HWG: I am now going to speak in a very formal tone for the rest of the afternoon
HWG: I shall be back momentarily, I need to run downstairs and procure some liquid refreshment
Overg: I shall await your return.
Overg: with utmost relish
HWG: I have returned
HWG: *offers a glass of water*
Overg: *partakes of H20*
HWG: alright, enough of that shit
HWG: *staples your shirt to your desk*
Overg: your vehement outbreak has damaged my sanctimonious audible receptors!
HWG: Heavens forfend!
Overg: foresooth!
HWG: Prithee!
HWG: I do believe that my stomach has begun digesting itself, due to the absence of foodstuffs within.

Posted by Highwaygirl on August 9, 2004 05:34 PM to the category Friends
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