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October 09, 2005

I Have Returned

Red rocks across from the Chapel of the Holy Cross

I am exhausted.

We got home last night close to midnight, and so far today I have done nothing of consequence except watch TV. I had a fantastic week in the southwest, though. The highlights were Sedona (pictured above is a panorama of the rocks behind the Chapel of the Holy Cross - click for a larger image), the Grand Canyon, and Canyon de Chelly. Lowlights were the food in Chinle, the weather in Albuquerque, and our love/hate relationship with the convertible Chrysler Sebring.

I took 500 photos. Prepare for an onslaught in the next few days.

It's damn good to be home, though. I really missed my bed (oh, and my people and pets, too).

Posted by Highwaygirl on October 9, 2005 05:00 PM to the category Travel

Gorgeous! I really like this version better than the longer (stop it) version.

Posted by: Eric at October 10, 2005 11:52 AM
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