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December 27, 2005

A Friend Indeed

Rappy just came back from a week in Paris and apparently she now hates me.

Me: Maybe you should send him a lock of your hair.
Me: Or underwear.
MeanRappy: Yeah.
MeanRappy: Uh, no.
MeanRappy:OK, Julie? I may swoon and joke about it, but he *does* have a girlfriend and he does love her.
Me: I know. I'm swooning and joking right along with you.
Me: I have to go jogging tonight and I don't waaaaaaaaant tooooooooooooo.
MeanRappy: Go jogging, you lazy bitch.
Me: God you're mean.
Me: *cries*

French = BAD

Posted by Highwaygirl on December 27, 2005 05:41 PM to the category Friends
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