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March 16, 2006
New Junk
I've relaunched my A Thousand Words feature over there on the right nav, but this time I'm using the new Flash-based Flickr badge. Once I upload more photos to Flickr (I only have 12 there at the moment), you won't see the same photo duplicated several times in the badge, but for now that's all I've got.
January 10, 2006
Shake Your Groove Thang
My apologies for this video being so dark, but Huggy only does this particular thing at night.
(Yes, the bird's name is HUGGY. It's short for "Huggy Bear." He makes a siren noise - which he is currently making RIGHT NOW and it's driving me INSANE - so I wanted to name him something related to a cop show. Thus, HUGGY BEAR.)
Anyway, Huggy's been doing this weird movement/noise for months now and for a long time it kind of freaked me out. But I recently figured out what it's all about.
January 04, 2006
Audioblog + Microphone = Hear Me!
Test of the Audioblog audio recording function, using my microphone.
I sound tired because I am tired.
EDIT: I also sound like I'm channeling William Shatner. Heh.
Caygeon Finds a Lens Cap
My cat Caygeon discovers that dangling lens caps are fun to play with.
This is a test of Audioblog's video capabilities.
December 25, 2005
Infrared Photography
For Christmas I received one of the coolest things EVER - a Hoya R72 infrared filter for my Canon G6 camera!
Yes, I am a photogeek.
Anyway, I took some shots on my way home from my mom's house this afternoon. This one is of a palm tree alongside Edgewater Drive in Dunedin:
This shot was taken handheld; I definitely need to use a tripod/monopod to achieve better (i.e. sharper) results. But it's not bad for my first attempt.
For reference, I'm including a full-color shot of the palm trees in the area.
Merry Christmas!
December 14, 2005
Photography is so cool. Here is an excerpt (photos after the description) from a current exhibition at the Library of Congress:
The photographs in Bound for Glory, many by famed photographers such as John Vachon, Jack Delano, Russell Lee, and Marion Post Wolcott, document not only the subjects in the pictures, but also the dawn of a new era -- the Kodachrome era. These colorful images mark a historic divide in visual presentation between the monochrome world of the pre-modern age and the brilliant hues of the present. They change the way we look -- and think about -- our past.
Some of the following photos are found in the expanded collection, America from the Great Depression to World War II, 1939-1945. I love these photos because the composition of each shot is so amazing, despite having been taken more than 60 years ago. It just goes to show that the quality of a photograph lies predominantly in the skill of the photographer, not necessarily their equipment.
All photos are credited to the Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, FSA-OWI Collection and reproduced with permission. Click each photo for a high-resolution version.
November 03, 2005
Photo Requests
I am stealing this from Rappy, who in turn stole it from someone else:
What three things about my life would you like me to photograph?
(And don't be crass.)
September 26, 2005
Back In the Saddle
I'm starting up my photography website again.
June 26, 2005
In the RAW
I'm doing two things here - testing the ability of the Image:Magick plugin to create a thumbnail from a full-size photo, and posting a photo that I took using the RAW format and converting it, post-production, to JPG.
This is the view out the back of my apartment.
June 09, 2005
Caterpillar Girl
I've been trying to take a decent photo of these weird caterpillars we have around here, and this is the best I've been able to do so far. It's not as in focus as I wanted, but I was operating on SUPERMACRO with no flash.
June 08, 2005
Spoons, Man
More proof that Eric and I are cosmically connected:
Unbeknownst to the other, we both enjoy taking photos of cutlery. We even chose our subjects along gender lines – I took shots of a spoon (curvy, rounded), while Eric chose a fork (elongated, pointed).
Incidentally, I am totally in love with my Canon G6. Now that I'm learning how to work with all the functions, I'm taking some very nice shots.
May 30, 2005
Turanga Leela
I got sick of all the blonde highlights in my hair. So now I don't have them any more:
The longer I look at this photo, the weirder it seems. But maybe I've just been watching too much Futurama this weekend.
And then, of course, I couldn't stop myself from screwing around with the picture in Photoshop CS's Filter Gallery (click the thumbnail for a bigger image):
Experimenting With the G666
It's going to take awhile before I get the hang of maximizing the features on my new Canon G6. I took my nephew Alex out to the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary down on Indian Shores on Sunday, and used the excursion as an excuse to play around with all the different camera settings.
Mostly I was experimenting with the difference in photographs of subjects shot on Auto and either Aperature or Shutter Priority. I took about 100 shots and the bottom line is - I still have no idea what I'm doing.
Before we went down to the beach, Alex and I hung out in my mom's pool:
Alex taunts me from the safety of the water (15MB)
And now, the photos!
Full | Detail | Alex swimming, shot on shutter priority to try and get the detail of the splashing water. The camera has a high enough resolution to record individual water bubbles against Alex's cheek. |
Full | Detail | This would have been a nice shot if I hadn't cut off both of my nephew's arms. I love how the G6 captures enough detail to make out individual droplets of water flying through the air. |
Full | Detail | This was shot using Portrait mode. Notice the difference in the background between this shot and the next one; in this version, Portrait mode blurs the background to make the subject "pop" in the foreground. |
Full | Detail | This shot was taken on Auto, which explains the increased depth of field behind Alex - the background is not blurred at all. |
Full | Detail | My brother lives next door to my mom; this is a shot of the cypress tree in his backyard, taken from the opposite edge of my mom's backyard. The detail shot shows that the G6 picks up details in the leaves and bark of the tree even though I am about 50 feet away. |
Full | Detail | Here's Joe, an egret that hangs out around my mom's house looking for food. His preferred meal is hot dogs. |
Full | Detail | This is the view from the entryway to the beach at Indian Shores, looking back up the pathway into the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary. Alex is visible on the right side of the photo; in the Detail shot you can see how much of the wood grain the camera picked up, even though that section of the shot was not the focal point. |
Full | Detail | This is the end of the pathway to looking out at the beach. I liked the lead-in lines of the wood railing that take your eye from the lower left corner into the middle of the photo. The Detail shows two people (in between the bushes) who are barely visible in the full size shot. |
Full | Detail | All of the birds at the sanctuary are injured or otherwise unable to be let back into the wild. Brown pelicans are plentiful; this one was sitting by the fence, so I carefully stuck my camera lens through one of the openings to shoot the little guy. I like how the Detail shot shows the identification on the bird's metal ankle cuff. |
Full | Detail | Another brown pelican; this one was standing on the edge of a wading pool that the birds use both for water and to scoop fish out from. |
Full | Detail | White pelicans can also be found at the sanctuary; some of these guys were kinda ugly, because they had weird growths on the top of their bills. |
Full | Detail | I don't really like the colors in this shot of the sunset on Indian Rocks Beach; what I like is the silhouettes of the three kids running through the foreground. I love how the kids just happen to be lined up by height, and the lead kid is holding a ball above her head. |
Full | Detail |
The horizon on Indian Rocks Beach at sunset. I used Canon Photostitch to merge three photos to create this panorama. |
May 26, 2005
I got my lovely new Canon G6 camera last night. This morning I recruited one of my coworkers to help me test the movie mode (which I will upload when I go home for lunch). Let me just say that movie mode? Is freakin' COOL. I'm going to be taking movies of all sorts of stuff in the future, I can feel it.
ANOTHER EDIT: Want to see my cats, Dawsey and Caygeon? (11 MB)
EDIT: Here is the 14-second movie that I shot earlier of my coworker (it's a 4.7 MB AVI, which will probably play with either QuickTime of Real Player on your system).
Also expect an onslaught of photos to be posted here as I play with my new toy.
May 24, 2005
Another New Toy
Here in all its sad little glory, is ...
My first podcast (1.8 MB, right click to save)
This might be entirely too fun. There are two vocal tracks with music in between. Oh, and the background song is a cover of Puddle of Mudd's "She Hates Me" by Richard Cheese. The selection is an homage to Eric, who introduced me to the wonder that is ... Dick Cheese.
The way I say "podcast" at the :08 mark cracks me up. Sooooo smoove.
May 22, 2005
Fun With Photoshop CS
So. The bestest person in the whole wide world bestowed a copy of Photoshop Creative Studio 8 upon me. I could very well lose an entire weekend to this program, but so far I've just been playing around with all the various photo filters.
To wit, this before and after example of a sunset photo I took on 12/31/2004 (click the photo for a bigger version):
Basically, I tweaked the saturation, contrast, applied a warming filter and a shadow/highlight filter, etc.
Oh, and today I bought a Canon G6.
March 30, 2005
Anonymous Birthday Gifting
Someone sent me two books on Ireland and an Irish music DVD from, which arrived today. Only thing is, there's nothing on the shipping invoice that reveals who sent me such wonderful presents.
So whomever did so, please step forward for the thanking you deserve.
Also, another Audioblog! This one was recorded yesterday (only took 24 hours to post!) on my cell phone, while in Jake's car. Notable for my panicked scream when Jake nearly ran us off the road avoiding a box, and my Joey Lawrence impression in the waning second.
I haven't gotten tired of this Audioblogger thing yet. Maybe soon, though.
March 29, 2005
Fun With Jake
Heh, well, I just got done complaining over on Ben's blog that my Audioblogger stuff from yesterday hadn't posted yet, but uh ... it had. So here are the two recordings I made with Jake.
BE WARNED - Jake is profane. And really all you can hear from me is laughing. Lots and lots of laughing.
I thought I gorked the first try, so then we did ...
March 26, 2005
Audioblogger Test
Just testing to see what the proper code is for displaying Audioblogger junk over here, should I ever want to do so.
December 29, 2004
A Bit of the Old Ultraviolence
I asked Jake to do something to cheer me up, because I was sad about Jerry Orbach's death, so he made this:
Now, I'm smiling.